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...a fost creat cu ocazia expozitiei studentilor romani la galeria Link din Manchester (martie 2006), si isi propune sa tina la curent pe cei din tara cu ce se intampla aici. Deasemenea e o invitatie pentru toti studentii plecati cu burse Erasmus, si nu numai, sa posteze imagini si sa ne impartaseasca din experienta lor.

miercuri, aprilie 19

Post No Bills - the exhibition

Gill Bradley Toys (carucior cu jucarii / printuri A2)
I believe that eco-feminism is a transformativephilosophy that embraces the amelioration of all lifeon Earth. I believe that all oppressions areinterconnected: no one creature will be free until allare free-from abuse, degradation, exploitation,pollution and commercialisations. Women and animalshave shared these oppressions historically and untilthe mentality of domination is ended in all its forms,these afflictions will continue.

One way in which society normalises interconnectedoppressions is in creating mythologies and embeddingthem into the minds of children. We give children toys that depict animals in happysituations then leave out the truth about their reallives.This normalises the dominion of animals and becomespart of the dualist mythology that permeates allcultures on Earth.

“Either we participate in their oppressions or wechallenge it”…“to be silent is to be complicit.”(Isacc Bashevis Singer)

Treena Markland Shirt (instalatie)
Laura Simms A Finish Tale (print)
Laura Simms reprezinta cu umor in lucrarea sa experientele prin care a trecut ca studenta erasmus in Finlanda.

Natalia Gordon Eyes, Faces & Feet (foto)

Alistair King Kingsway, Manchester (foto)

Gill Bradley What is wrong with the world (foto)

Cat Rat (sculptura in ceara)

Hannah Crichton Untitled (print pe matase)

Nena Elliot Mould Silk Print (print pe matase)